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Convert SVG files to PNG images quickly and securely in your browser. No installations or uploads required.

Click to select one or more svg files, or drag and drop svg files here.

What is SVG to PNG conversion?

SVG to PNG conversion involves transforming Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files into Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files. This process rasterizes the vector images into a pixel-based format.

How does the SVG to PNG converter ensure privacy?

Our SVG to PNG converter processes files directly in your browser, ensuring that no files are uploaded to any server, keeping your data secure and private.

Can I batch convert multiple SVG files to PNG?

Yes, you can batch convert multiple SVG files to PNG at once.

Are there size customization options for SVG to PNG conversion?

Yes, during SVG to PNG conversion, you can choose default sizes, set a custom width with auto height, or set a custom height with auto width.

Is any software installation required for SVG to PNG conversion?

No, our SVG to PNG converter works entirely within your browser, so no software installation is necessary.

How fast is the SVG to PNG conversion process?

The SVG to PNG conversion is instant since it occurs locally in your browser, ensuring a quick and efficient process.

Can I convert SVG to PNG on any device?

Yes, our SVG to PNG converter works on any device with a modern web browser, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

What types of files can be converted using the SVG to PNG converter?

Our converter specifically handles SVG files, transforming them into PNG format, suitable for various applications, including web design and graphic presentations.